
lightning network

The lightning network has earned a reputation of being one of the most potent solutions to the scaling problems faced by cryptocurrencies and Bitcoin in particular. Effectively, the Lightning Network acts as a second layer on top of the bitcoin blockchain. We use this layer to transact Bitcoin and some other cryptocurrencies much faster and […]

stablecoins featured image of elephant balancing on ball

Stablecoins have been rising in popularity recently. These cryptocurrencies have their value pegged to another stable asset such as gold or the U.S dollar. The benefit of this is the ability to use the coin for practical use such as everyday purchases. An Answer to Volatility for Stablecoins Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum (ETH) or Bitcoin […]

mimblewimble protocol image of harry potter

January 3rd 2019 marks the launch of a new cryptocurrency called Beam. Beam is one of two highly sought-after privacy coins that implements the “Mimblewimble” payment protocol. Mimblewimble is a new and innovative way to make confidential and virtually untraceable transactions. Mimblewimble Protocol The Mimblewimble protocol was first announced in the summer of 2016 by […]


SAFCOIN released this week and there seems to be a lot of suspicion surrounding it. People can’t decide if it’s a cryptocurrency worth investing in, or just another scam. In this post, we will be looking into SAFCOIN and the team behind it. SAFCOIN Launches! On December 13, 2018, SAFCOIN launched after the ICO period […]

phishing scams

Crypto Phishing Scams. What are they? In this article, we explore Phishing Scams and how it affects you. This article has nothing to do with your local tackle shop. However, if you do allow yourself to be phished, you will only be telling stories of “the one that got away”. Crypto Phishing Scams: What are […]

bitcoin price calculation featured image on blogpost

The Bitcoin price is not calculated, published or controlled by a central bank. This is in contrast to FIAT money, where banks use tools such as interests rates to control the value of money. So where do the media and google get the bitcoin price from? From each other is the simple answer. There is […]

What is ADA Coin?

August 24, 2018 Learn
ada coin cardano charles hoskinson

  ADA coin is new (newish) and still very much unknown, but what is the ADA coin? Who created ADA coins? What do we use them for and where? We explore why you should know about ADA coins.     ADA Coins Anyone? There are so many coins and tokens in the cryptocurrency ecosystem that one […]

bitcoin vs bitcoin cash featured image of two boxers

bitcoin vs Bitcoin cash Bitcoin vs Bitcoin Cash (B)bitcoin vs Bitcoin cash is technically not the correct term. Well, I say it is technically not the correct term, but who knows, maybe it is … no one is in charge and consensus is remote. This is the problem with decentralisation or rather, a benefit of […]

tax cryptocurrency image of south african woman

Why tax cryptocurrency in South Africa We will tax cryptocurrency in South Africa. The SARS stance on the tax treatment of cryptocurrencies is that it will continue to apply normal income tax rules to cryptocurrencies and will expect affected taxpayers to declare cryptocurrency gains or losses as part of their taxable income. Need some help […]